About Heirloom Explorer

About Heirloom Explorer

Heirloom Exploring is a lifestyle. It’s a mindset of curiosity combined with the thrill of treasure-hunting and a willingness to time-travel. But mostly, Heirloom Exploring is about love. It’s about exploring the stories that connects us with the past and makes us love our heirlooms.

tea cup and saucer
Photo by Eneida Nieves on Pexels.com

What was it that made you fall in love with that quirky heirloom that sits half-hidden on your bookshelf?

Was it the shape?
Was it the color?
Was it the style?

If you’re like most people, it was a little bit of all those things. But if you think about it, isn’t it the nostalgia for the story behind that heirloom that made you love the shape, the color, or the style in the first place?

How Heirloom Explorer Started

Hi, I’m Lisa, and I’m the founder of Heirloom Explorer. I started recognizing my passion for heirlooms and vintage treasures when I was newly married. I had left my home and traveled across the country with nothing but a suitcase. With each trip back to my family, I would pack small items in my luggage to remind me of home.

Antique French Bulldog Doorstoppers | photo by @heirloomexplorer

These iron dog doorstoppers found their way to my new home. Oh how I love these dogs. I’ve written about them before on our @heirloomexplorer instagram page. They were my godmother’s and I remember my sisters and me playing with them whenever we would visit. Sometimes we would put ribbon “collars” around their necks if someone was opening a gift. We never had a dog growing up, and somehow these helped fill that void. When my godmother passed away, these became mine, one still with its frayed red ribbon color.

I was, and still am, in love with these two pups.

Around that time, we started watching Antiques Roadshow. I was sure that these proper Boston terrier dogs would be a massive hit on the show. My brother-in-law was unconvinced. What I saw as chippy goodness he saw as rusted and ruined. To this day, whenever I get excited over an heirloom, he teases me about the “treasure.” And, many years later, I finally made it on Antiques Roadshow!

In the days before the internet, I’d scroll the neighborhoods looking for those hot pink “Estate Sales.” I found my first dining room set in a well-to-do area in San Francisco. It was a Duncan-Phyfe-style table with four matching chairs. I looked up every mark on that table to understand her history.

It was the perfect way to stretch a dollar for luxury living on our limited income. The cushions were nasty, but I splurged on some gorgeous silk embroidered fabric. This was pre-kids, and I would’ve made a different choice knowing what I know now, lol.

I enjoyed 15 great years from that table. Hard living with small kids in a small house took a toll on that old girl, and it was time for her to find love elsewhere.

Making Your Own Traditions

Since then, I have found and inherited many pieces. Each one I eagerly learn about so I can better understand its story.

For example, after returning from Africa, I discovered that my godmother had embarked on a similar journey nearly seventy years before me. You can read about how I honor both of those experiences in my African Safari-themed table setting.

Of course, heirlooms are a big part of family traditions. However, it’s important to create new traditions that still honor the past but create meaningful moments now. Read more about how we’ve been using patriotic heirlooms to tell stories and creating new memories on old Christmas traditions.

It’s hard to let go of family heirlooms and the stories they hold, but there are ways to declutter the sentimental things, while still keeping the memories.

Join the Heirloom Explorer Journey

I started Heirloom Explorer because I want to inspire and help others capture their stories.

I am just starting this journey, and I want you to join me by subscribing to this blog. By doing so, you will get some of the tips, tools, and techniques I use to make it easier to capture your stories. You will also be the first to learn about the exciting tools we are creating to help you on your heirloom exploring journey.

Are you ready to journey with me? Let’s go.

If you’re a thrifter, DIY-er, genealogist, or history-lover. In that case, you already are living this mindset, so let’s get to know each other, shall we?

You can also follow me on Instagram and Pinterest, where I highlight some of my favorite heirlooms, antiques, and collectibles.

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